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University Profile

The Odisha State Open University shall have jurisdiction over the whole of the State of Odisha. The University shall focus on education, research and training by diversity on means of distance and continuing education including the use of new educational technology available to common man at affordable cost. Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates issued by the University shall be treated at par with Degrees/Diplomas issued by other Universities established by centre/states and recognized by UGC. Emphasis will be placed on Skill Based Education to enhance employ ability of the students. Besides Skill Based and vocational courses, focus will be on Teacher Education, Business & Management Studies, Computer Science courses, Engineering Science (short-term), paramedical courses, agriculture and foreign language courses. Add-on courses will be offered targeting students already admitted in Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the State .The fee to be charged from the students shall be made reasonable and affordable by disadvantaged groups. All Norms and Regulations prescribed by statutory bodies like UGC, AICTE, NCTE, NCI, BCI, DEB, and MCI etc. shall be strictly followed in offering academic programmes by the Odisha State Open University.

The Governor of Odisha is the Chancellor of the University. By virtue of his office, Chancellor is the head of the State Open University.

The headquarters of the University shall be located at Sambalpur. To fulfill its mandate the Open University shall establish Regional Centres and Study Centres in different parts of the State using the existing infrastructure of Government/Govt. Aided Colleges and other institution.

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