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Social Sciences and Humanities

Under the broad umbrella of Social Sciences the disciplines of History, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Public Administration, Tourism Studies, Psychology, Rural Development, Tribal Studies, women & Gender Studies, Library & information Sciences, Population Studies etc. are to be introduced both at under-graduate as well as post-graduate levels. Certificates and diplomas will be offered in areas of Human Rights, Consumer Protection, Right to Information, Disaster Management, Library Automation, Panchayati Raj, Anti- Human Trafficking, Public Policy, Conflict Resolution, Urban Planning etc. Short-term add-on programmes in allied areas such as Right to Information Act, Consumer Protection Act, Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act etc.

Similarly within the area of Humanities the disciplines of Odiya, English, Foreign Languages, Translation Studies, Creative Writing, Feature Writing, Functional English, English Teaching at Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools will be covered. Bachelors and Masters Degree programmes in Odiya and English will be offered. Diploma and Certificate level programmes will be designed in other fields.

The above Programmes will be offered in phased manner. In the very first year (2015-16 Session) only Bachelors and Masters in Arts (few disciplines) will be offered in collaboration with IGNOU/State Open Universities. Students enrolled in these programmes will be provided course material in English but programme delivery, counseling, assignment writing and end-semester examination will be both in English and Odia (bi-lingual) leaving the choice to students.

Simultaneously, expert committee meeting and course writers meetings will be convened to design and develop programmes in all disciplines both in Odia and English language.

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