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Board of Management

The Board of Management is the chief executive body of the University. It has the power of management and administration of the revenue and property of the University; to effect standardization of skill-related education available in the State; to manage and regulate the finances, accounts and investment of the property of the University; to create teaching, other academic, administrative and ministerial posts and to prescribe the functions and conditions of services of the employee; to institute fellowship, scholarships and studentships.

Following are members of the Board of Management: Vice- Chancellor, Registrar, Director, Skill Development Education Council, three employees (School Director, Teacher and Academic) to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor, Five persons to be nominated by the Chancellor, Secretaries, Department of Higher Education, Industries, Labour & Employment (ex-officio), two members of the State Legislative Assembly (nominated by the Speaker) and three members to be co-opted by the Board of Management. Six members shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Board. 

Members of Board of Management

Prof. Shyam Sundar Pattnaik

Prof. Shyam Sundar Pattnaik

Vice-Chancellor, OSOU
[Ex-Officio Member]
e-Mail Id:
Dr Chittaranjan Sahu, (OES-I)

Dr Chittaranjan Sahu, (OES-I)

Registrar, OSOU
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Dr. Aravind Agarwal, IAS

Dr. Aravind Agarwal, IAS

Commissioner cum Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha
[Ex-Officio Member]
e-Mail Id:
Shri Hemant Sharma, IAS

Shri Hemant Sharma, IAS

Principal Secretary, Department of Industry, Govt. of Odisha
[Ex-Officio Member]
e-Mail Id:
Prof. Bansidhar Majhi

Prof. Bansidhar Majhi

Vice-Chancellor, VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur
e-Mail Id:
Shri Santhanagopalan R., IAS

Shri Santhanagopalan R., IAS

Principal Secretary, Department of Labour & Employment, Govt.of Odisha
[Ex-Officio Member]
e-Mail Id:
Dr. Antaryami Mishra

Dr. Antaryami Mishra

Padma Shri winner
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Prof. Sabita Tripathy

Prof. Sabita Tripathy

Professor, Dept. of English, Sambalpur University
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Prof. Patita Pabana Mishra

Prof. Patita Pabana Mishra

Professor (Retd.) Department of History, Sambalpur University
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Shri Dev Kumar Tiwari

Shri Dev Kumar Tiwari

M.D., Shyam Metallics, Sambalpur
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Shri Kishore Chandra Naik

Shri Kishore Chandra Naik

Hon’ble MLA
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Shri Subrat Tarai

Shri Subrat Tarai

Hon’ble MLA
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