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Teacher Education

In the School of Teacher Education the focus will be on training of un-trained teachers teaching at Elementary, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools in the State. Since National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) is the principal statutory body, the Regulations framed by it for imparting teachers training through distance education mode shall be strictly followed by the Open University.

In the State of Odisha teachers training is provided by Government Institutions only and private players have so far not been allowed any role in imparting training to school teachers. Hence, Government Teachers Training Institutes, Autonomous Colleges and DIETS will be associated with the University in design and delivery of programmes like D.El.Ed/CT/B.Ed. Both human resources and infrastructure available in these institutions will be utilized for offering teachers training programmes. Curriculum, eligibility for admission, intake capacity of each centre, programme delivery and evaluation will be as per NCTE Regulations. The Department of School and Mass Education and State Council for Education Research and Training (SCERT) will be co-partners with the Open University in the entire gamut of activities. Both serving and retired teachers with requisite qualification and experience will be associated in practical based activities like Workshops, School Based Activities and Practice Teaching.

The Teachers Training Programmes will be offered from the academic session 2016-17 after obtaining due approval from NCTE.

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