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Computer and Information Sciences

The School will offer Master in Computer Application (MCA) and Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA). Diploma and Certificates will be provided in areas like Information Security, Cyber law & Security, Computer Hardware, website Designing, E-commerce etc.

Computer Centres in Government/ Aided Colleges with computer laboratories funded by Government (Centre/State) will be functioning as Study Centres of the State Open University provided teachers having required qualification and experience are also available for delivery of Computer Application Programmes. For Design and Development of curriculum the teachers from the best institutes in the country will be engaged.

Continuous evaluation and End- Semester Examination will be done by external/internal examiners. Attendance will be made compulsory as per guidelines provided by the Open University. Hands-on practice will be monitored by qualified teachers. Viva- Voice will be made part of the evaluation by external evaluators. All software provided by the Study Centres should be original.


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